Monday, January 1, 2007

the future is here and...

i wonder what makes us always hope for a life that we know doesn't exist
when the clock strikes and the year goes away,
as if by the wave of a magic wand we could dry it all out:
the past, the tears, the strife and the care...
i wish i knew that the answer is right there,
in the months that will come,
in the days that we'll share. but i laugh
and i still think it's cool
to sit by the window
and watch the people below
dance and hug and wish each other,
(while believing all the lies)
a happy new year.


Sara said...

vou acreditar em q então? ;)

leonor feijó said...

um ano novinho em folha para estrear, so teu, podes ser tu a mandar nele! é teu.

marta costa said...
